In the meantime other bloodwork is coming back too. Kyle tested negative for the alpha I anti-trypson, which is a genetic liver disorder. Our nephew on Laren's side actually had this and had to have a liver transplant when he was 7. So this was a big concern of the doctors because of the genetics, but it appears to have been averted!
The ultrasound showed an enlarged liver (one doctor told me two times the size of what is normal!), and an especially thick gall bladder wall. They do not know why the gall bladder wall would be thick other than the fact that it is so close to the liver.
So far, Kyle has tested negative on all of the major problems (like liver cancer or a disease requiring a liver transplant). And I'm sighing a HUGE sigh of relief over that! (Can you hear my sighing?! LOL)
Still no answers on what has caused this. We are still getting results from blood work and will continue to for the next couple of days. Kyle's tummy has been upset and not feeling too great today. But to me, his coloring is looking a little better (even though his bilirubin count is actually higher).
Thank you so much for all of your prayers and thoughts! Kyle is playing Lego's and we are waiting for Laren and the rest of the kids to show up so we can celebrate Alyssa's birthday at the hospital!! I thought it was so sweet that with his dinner, Kyle ordered a "rainbow cupcake," aka cupcake with rainbow sprinkles so he could have something to give Alyssa for her birthday!
Kari-We're already planning on fasting for Greg's brother Jeff (possible colon cancer), so I'm adding Kyle and the rest of your family in my fast also. What a sweet boy to think of Alyssa during this time.
Kari, I just barely read your last post and my heart sank. I am so sorry to hear that Kyle has been so sick. What a frightening experience for you. You are such a strong person. We will have Kyle in our prayers. I hope they find out what's going on soon.
What a sweet boy to think of his sister like that! I'm so glad some big tests were negative.
Oh, that is SO sweet that he ordered the special cupcake for his sister! What a little trooper. What a relief that he tested negative for the big nasty things! Hang in there Kyle!
I can hear you sighing, yes, I can! It is a huge relief to have those big tests come back normal. And he is so sweet to do that for his sister! Happy Birthday to Alyssa!
That is such great new Kari! Have a wonderful family celebration tonight and your son will continue to be in my prayers to go home soon!
I heard you sigh! I'm so glad it's good news so far! We'll keep praying for him!!!!!
I have been thinking about your family all week. Thanks for keeping us updated. WE are praying for your family.
I am so glad things are looking up! We'll keep praying for all of you.
I am SOOO glad that things are looking better for you guys. How sweet of Kyle to give his cupcake to Alyssa!! We'll keep all of you in our prayers.
I heard your sigh all the way over here in Germany! I am so glad that things are slowly getting if you can just find the cause so you can prevent this in the future. Did you move from Denver just for this? Actually it is a blessing that you were there with Laren when this happened.
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