I guess this is a true rollercoaster. Today, I found out that they indeed have not ruled out liver cancer. It does scare me. He will go in for his biopsy somewhere around noon. Any and all prayers appreciated. He is scared of the needle.
They tell us we won't have results for a week or so. But his numbers have come down some more today. Not really enough to make it so he won't have to get a blood/plasma transfusion, but at least the numbers are trending downward with this type of prednisone they have him on.
I have a faith in the Lord that He knows us and knows our situation and that He has a plan for us. It might not be the course we hope for, but it will be the course that is His will. I know we are not forgotten in Him.
Last night Laren and Trav (our BIL) came and gave Kyle another blessing for his biopsy today. Since Laren was already up there and he would stay home today to be at the hospital for Kyle's biopsy, he suggested I come home for the night for a break and he could stay there with Kyle.
So that is what we did. It was nice to sleep in my own bed and get a shower from our own shower this morning. The hospital shower is just a trickle. Plus I had forgotten my razor and had been unable to shave and it is so nice to not feel like an Orangutan with hairy pits! :)
Kayla had a preschool clinical today at school and she had to bring a preschooler, so she brought her preschooler brother, Tyler. I had to be here to take him to and from the Jr. High for Kayla.
He is probably having his biopsy now, or soon... and I'm praying for him that he does well. Many {{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}} and more prayers coming your way!
our prayers our with your family.:)
((((BIG HUGS)))))
I am glad you got to go home and shower. You are such a fantastic person. You are such an inspiration to all of us. I hope the biopsy goes well.
My prayers are with you all.
I hope the biopsy went well. Did they have to put him under for it? I'm glad you got to rest at home for awhile and use your own shower. That has got to be so hard and exhausting sleeping there every night. ((((HUGS))))
Hi Kari! Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and keeping Kyle and your family in my prayers. What great faith you have! Sending lot of hugs your way.
My thoughts and prayers are with your family. I am so sorry for what you all are having to go through. Please continue to keep us posted on his progress.
I just checked your blog and found out about Kyle. I'm so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
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