Thursday, January 31, 2008



Today I took advantage of Laren being home with a bum leg and went in to help out as I regularly do. And then I went back to have lunch at the school with my 4 older kids, though I didn't really eat with them. Who likes those school lunches anyway?

Rilyn, because she was done with Kindergarten stayed with me the whole time. She enjoys having lunch with the big kids.

I love "having lunch" with my kids because it is so telling as to what is really going on at school. I get to find out who this person is and who that person was that they might have mentioned in passing the other day as they were talking about their day.

I find out interesting things about their friends and what makes them tick. I get to share some fun time with my kids in middle of their school day. I'm so glad I took the time to do this today.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Mitt Romney for President.

Yes, he did lose in Florida last night but it is not who wins one state, but who wins the most delegates. Mitt is the best candidate running. He can still win.

Top 10 reasons why I will vote for him:

10.) Foreign Policy.

9.) His stance against Illegal Immigration.

8.) He opposes Abortion.

7.) He is for the Family.

6.) He wants to restrain Federal spending.

5.) He wants to make permanent the Bush Tax cuts.

4.) He is not a proponent of Socialized Medicine.

3.) He does not want to remain in Iraq any longer than necessary, but he doesn't want to exit too early either.

2.) The ECONOMY.

And the number one reason I will be voting for Mitt Romney for President in 2008:

1.) He has perfect hair, especially for a guy who's 60!

These are some of Mitt's stances on what is going on in the Nation and the World that we need to be knowledgeable and proactive about.

o War against Islamic Fascism: We are engaged in a multi-front war which will require using all of our military, economic, and diplomatic might to win; we must defeat the terrorists and those who aid and abet them as well as help the Muslim people enter the 21st century.

o Iraq and Afghanistan: The surge is working and we must do what it takes to help Iraq and Afghanistan become stable democratic allies in the war on Islamic Fascism and support our troops.

o Iran: Iran must not be allowed to become a nuclear state; diplomacy and economic sanctions are critical, but may not be enough; the military option must remain on the table.

o Military: Need to increase defense spending to a minimum of 4% of GDP to make sure our armed forces have the equipment they need in the field and the support the need back home; the best ally of peace is a strong America.

• Economic Policy.

o Taxes: We need to keep the Bush tax cuts permanent, eliminate the Death Tax, and cut taxes on capital gains, dividends, and interest to zero for the Middle Class

o Spending: We need to restrain Federal spending and close the deficit; will veto any budget where non-defense discretionary spending growth exceeds inflation minus 1%; Need to give the President a line-item veto; Strong track record of financial management from Massachusetts where he closed a $3B deficit and turned it into a $1B surplus without raising taxes; carry out a comprehensive review of government spending to increase efficiency and effectiveness.

o Entitlements reform: Maintain benefits for current Seniors, but institute fundamental reforms combining slowing the rate of increase for benefits based on income, extending the retirement age, individual retirement accounts, and no tax increases .

o Healthcare: Mitt Romney is the only candidate on either side of the aisle who implemented a universal health care plan; He covered all of the citizens of Massachusetts using market-based insurance without raising taxes; Governor Romney advocates a Federalist state-by-state approach to make health insurance more affordable for everyone.

o Globalization: Continue to trade around the world but make sure we negotiate level playing fields in foreign markets and upgrade American competitiveness through investments in education and innovation.

• Culture and Valueso Illegal immigration: Control the border first and turn of the “magnets” that attract illegal immigrants by implementing an employment verification system, no special path for illegal immigrants to become citizens (i.e. no amnesty), no sanctuary cities, increased enforcement by local police agencies.

o Traditional marriage: In favor of amending the constitution to keep marriage defined as between a man and a woman; fought the Massachusetts Supreme Court to prevent the state from becoming a destination for same-sex couples looking for marriage licenses.

o Life: Much has been made of Governor Romney’s switch from being Pro-Abortion to Pro-Life; I believe that Mitt Romney will fight for the rights of the unborn and be a great leader in supporting Life .

In addition to agreeing with a candidate on the issues, I think there also needs to be some inspirational aspects to this person. I see many inspirational aspects in Mitt. First and foremost he is a hard worker, he is well-rounded having been successful in the private sector as well as government and running the Olympics.

I love that Mitt is such a family man. You do not see too many men of his calibur that are still so committed their wife and kids and grandkids as he is. Another nicety about Mitt is he has the "look" going for him. With his perfect hair and all ;)

I love that Mitt consulted his entire family when considering whether he should make a run for the White House. This is a great video clip of them that Christmas in 2006, gathered to discuss the decision. And then not only did they all help him decide, each of his 5 sons and their families are helping him to campaign. I think that is very wonderful too!

Now come on, I know you want to just get out and VOTE FOR MITT when your State goes to the polls. My state will be doing it on Super Tuesday, February 5th. Come and join the effort!

I'll be voting, I hope you will too!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008



*When despite my best efforts at keeping the house clean and laundry caught up does everyone, including my husband due to his infirmities, defy my efforts?

*When I have renewed energy about taking better care of myself do I still not take my vitamins?

*Does my now 3 year old wet his pants when he knows otherwise?

*Does my 11 year old daughter wait until 9pm to tell me she doesn't have any friends and she doesn't want to go to school tomorrow?

*Did our van have to quit working (won't start) right after Laren's surgery and now he's too infirm to fix it?

*When I make a month long menu and shopping list do I end up at the store this month more than ever?

Monday, January 28, 2008

Scriptures at our house

Because I have a camera happy daughter, we got pictures of our family scripture study. These particular photo's are from a couple of weeks ago, before Laren hurt his leg and before I got my roots "touched up!" And Laren was not yet home when we read so he isn't pictured.

Alyssa reading.

Kyle reading.

Kayla reading.

Rilyn and Tyler "reading".

Tyler reading.

Mom reading.

This time of night is clearly not my best time of day. And yes, sometimes we get lazy and have to share the same books instead of everyone having their own. We're working on it...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

One of my favorite people of all time has passed away. I know he will have a sweet reunion with his wife, Marjorie. Farewell to a great Prophet. His was a job well done!

Become a Better You

I just finished listening to this book on cd and I've already started listening to it a second time. It is one of the most inspiring and uplifting books I've ever read!

This book is written by a guy who is charismatic and interesting to listen to. He is the pastor/preacher for a huge Christian Church in Texas. Though I'm not a member of his Church, I really enjoyed his book!! I highly recommend it.

It has inspired me to think more positively about myself and to remember my worth. As I listened to his book, it reminded me of listening to a beautiful blessing that a priesthood holder of our Church might pronouce upon my head. You know, it said all the right things that you want to hear - "You're wonderful, you have great potential, your greatest work is not behind you but in front of you, etc..." He talks about not buying into thinking that "bad stuff always happens to me, but not to other people," and things like that.

Here is what the publisher's synopsis says, in part, "...In this new book, Become a Better You, Joel Osteen offers seven simple yet profound action steps that will help readers discover the better things they were born for...their individual purpose and destiny.

As charming and passionate on the page as he is in person, Osteen incorporates key biblical principles, devotions, and personal testimonies that will uplift and enlighten readers. He speaks directly to the hearts and concerns of people from every walk of life. People love Joel Osteen -- they love to be in his presence, to hear him speak, and to read what he's written -- they just can't get enough of him. Become a Better You will encourage and inspire readers to reach their full, unique and God-given potential."

The synopsis above does not do the book justice. I would give this book a 5 out of 5 stars. He addresses how to deal with conflict, and so many other important aspects to life. If I didn't know better I would think he was a therapist because he speaks rationally about so many different topics.

I really enjoyed listening to this vs. reading it, that way I could work on dinner, housework and the scripture bag (the one I posted the other day) all while I listened. And Laren has started listening to it to.

I highly recommend this book!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

And just a picture or two...

Tyler with his Birthday Cake in the background, a car of course!! Because that is his favorite thing!
Me checking my emails.

Still loving the dinner menu that my friend, Jannet, helped me do. My family is loving it too. That was homemade chicken noodle soup (I didn't make the noodles) and a homemade wholewheat roll.

A new vase I recently found at Walmart and some grasses I got to go in it. Also, that mirror is new, got it at Costco.

Friday, January 25, 2008

On the lighter side

The surgery went well. Laren is managing his pain with percocet and keeping his leg elevated and iced. It is unusual to see him sit for no more than five minutes all day long to only getting up when he has to use the bathroom.

We got home last night around 7:30, the surgeon who usually runs ahead of schedule was running late.

I'm blogging, even though I should be folding laundry, washing bedding, working on dinner and organizing in my study. It took me all morning just to clean the main floor of my house. There were so many things out of place, it wasn't even funny!

On the lighter side, I wanted to post some post some pictures of the scripture bag I made for Kayla before life got crazy!!

My girls said they like the colors light blue and brown for their scriptures.

It is lined with coordinating fabric and has pockets too.

I made it 2/3 the size the pattern called for and it fit the scriptures perfectly!!

The next one will be for Alyssa. She is anxiously awaiting it, now if I can find the time!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Week Turned Upside Down...

I can't believe how this week has changed from our original plans! It has turned out completely different than we had planned!!

It all started on Monday evening when we, at my invitation, met with 2 other families from the ward and went to the Church to play Basketball. It started off with a fun game of "Knockout" and just shooting around and a little visiting. Then we started into a regular game of Basketball.

I guess mixing young kids and adults on the court wasn't that great of an idea. As Laren raced down the court, at one point, he stopped suddenly, or tried to. He didn't want to run over the little ones in front of him. But his body kept going and he plunged forward tearing his patellar tendon and completely severing it.

He went into a state of shock and felt like he was going to vomit. His face turned ghostly white and his right knee was in pain, lots of pain. Soon his knee was the size of a large grapefruit. We iced it immediately, thanks to whoever it was that left a partial bag of ice in the freezer in the kitchen.

Laren with his crutches yesterday.

One of our friends called another friend in the ward who is a doctor and was able to secure some crutches for us. Then the two guys that we were with gave him a blessing. The blessing said his knee would be "numbed" and he wouldn't feel the pain. The guys carefully carried Laren to the van. He couldn't walk or bear any weight on the knee - at all!

First thing Tuesday morning we had the doctor's office on the phone. We were not supposed to get in until Friday, but by some miracle a more experienced nurse was listening in on the call and when she heard of what happened she was able to get him in yesterday to a "Joint Specialist." They took x-rays. And he knew immediately what the problem was.

Laren's knee cap is 3-4 inches above his knee. The Joint Specialist went and got the Surgeon, right then and there. He said it was really bad and Laren needed surgery sooner than later. Thankfully, Laren had seen this same doctor last Fall for a torn Meniscus. If we were not an "established" patient this process would have taken much longer. Then the PA (physician's assistant) came in and explained a bunch of stuff to us and a nurse came in and put Laren's leg in a brace.

We have surgery scheduled for today. And true to the blessings promise, and to everyone's surprise including the doctors, Laren has not had any pain since the initial trauma. I cannot believe how in one instant our lives have been turned upside down! All those plans I posted about earlier in the week -- out the window. I have turned into chief chauffeur. Laren cannot drive at all!

On Tuesday he insisted on going into work for some meetings in the afternoon. Consequently between taking kids to and from school 3 times and taking Laren to and from Downtown Denver, I spent most of my day on the road. Yesterday was much the same but instead of taking Laren to work we were headed to the Doctor.

I'm so happy I can help. It's just turned everything around for my week. And so much for our budget! We have a deductible to meet on our medical bills, and it looks like we are meeting it and surpassing it today!!

Here's hoping his surgery goes well!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Our Little One

Happy, Happy Birthday Tyler Dear

Happy Days will come to you all year!

If I had one wish then it would be

A Happy, Happy Birthday to you from we!

Today is Tyler's 3rd birthday and I remember so vividly the night I had him it seems like it was last week.

Here are some interesting facts about Tyler.

1. Everytime we or he reads a book, he says, "Amen!" when we are finished
instead of saying, "The end."

2. His favorite color is RED.

3. He loves cars, trucks, airplanes, trains, helicopters,boats and anything that goes.

4. He plays soccer around the house, often. Thankfully he uses a small soft
sided ball to do that.

5. Tyler is good at catching the ball and throwing it.

6. Tyler hardly ever cries.
7. When he falls down or gets hurt, he rarely complains. He might say "Ow,
that hurt!" But then he goes right on about his business, hardly missing a beat.

8. Tyler loves to wrestle. Almost every night after family prayer he goes over to
Kyle (7) and tackles him.

9. Tyler has a major hair fettish.

Tyler at Dad's office yesterday.

10. Tyler knows all but about 4 of his letters and what they sound like. He
knows all of his colors.

11. Tyler constantly asks me, "Why?" or "What's that?" even when he knows what it is. Like yesterday when we were driving Laren to work, he asked me
"What's that?" and I said,
"I don't know Tyler, what is it?"
And he said, "Truck!" Tyler loves to point out trucks, monster trucks and 'baby' cars (small cars).

12. Tyler's favorite thing to eat is Chicken Nuggets, the dinosaur one from
Costco. And he LOVES them with catsup. He will eat almost anything if it
has catsup on it.

13. Tyler enjoys Nursery.

14. Tyler is a Happy Boy!

15. Whenever anyone gets an owie, Tyler is the first to go and kiss it better.
16. Tyler loves to sleep with someone else at bedtime. His favorite one to sleep
with is Rilyn, his 5 year old sister. Although he shares a bedroom with Kyle
and so they share a bed a lot too. Every once in awhile he sleeps with Alyssa
or Kayla. And when Laren goes out of town I let him sleep with me.

The car Tyler drew last week when we helping out in Rilyn's class.

17. Tyler draws really good cars for a boy his age.

18. Tyler is obsessed with having Laren or I draw him all the things that he
loves: cars, airplanes, trucks, buses, boats, helicopters, etc...

19. Tyler loved going sledding over Christmas Break. And every time he tells me
about it, he says, "Not go home okay Mom?" He means that he wants to stay longer and not go home after just an hour like we did last time.

20. Tyler likes to help Laren and I with any project that we are doing. The latest thing was him really wanting to help me sew Kayla's scripture bag on Monday. He's always so sincere, I want to let him help but sometimes I just can't.

We LOVE you, Tyler!!!!! Happy 3rd Birthday!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Nothing to Blog About

Lately, I feel like I just have nothing to blog about, so I haven't been. It's so interesting to me that there are days when I think of several things I want to put on here and yet other days yet when there is nothing to say.

This week my kids have no school on Monday, Enrichment is on Tuesday and we have VT appts. scheduled, Tyler's Birthday is on Wednesday and we have made some fun plans, Thursday I'm planning on meeting some girlfriends to go and see the new chick flick 27 Dresses, Friday we have just a few miscellaneous routine things and Saturday we are hoping to see the BYU Living Legends.

The family room before we installed the new speakers and repositioned the wall hangings.

We've been slowing working on things around our house, like repositioning the TV and wall hangings in the family room so they are centered and Laren has been installing the built-in wall speakers that have paintable covers that I bought on clearance online.

Yesterday Kayla and I drove to Longmont to get Kyle a great winter jacket for $20. He all of a sudden has outgrown his and ordinarily I wouldn't go out of my way like that for something, but I insist on dark colors when it comes to coats otherwise they get dingy looking quickly and I don't want to keep them around. They only had lighter colors available at our local store. This jacket that we found was originally $75 so we got it for a steal!

The $20 jacket we got for Kyle.

Kayla and I had a good time shoe shopping and window shopping in Dillards, American Eagle, Gap and Abercrombie. Oh and we also stopped in Pottery Barn for kids, that was lots of fun!

On the way home we stopped at another store to pick up more apples (we eat apples like they're going out of style around here) and a new basketball.

Separately, I was excited to see that Mitt Romney won in Nevada yesterday.

Mitt Romney for President

That is my latest new hobby, following the election. I read every article I can find about it lately, online and in the newspaper.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

It doesn't slow down...

Life just doesn't slow down! Basketball is in full swing for 2 of my kids, 2 of my kids are in piano and 2 of my kids are in activity days. Today I spent all morning at the school helping out.

I need to get dinner on, "Bless my heart" aka- exercise, and do a little cleaning. Sometimes, okay a lot of times, I wish the cleaning would just go away for a few days. But, alas, it never does!! The homework is another of those never-ending chores.

But to make my chores a little funner, I have a great book on cd that I'm listening to. For me, I'd rather listen to a talk or talk radio or a book than music. Does that make me weird or just unusual? I do like to listen to music but I also like to be entertained and motivated!! :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Man Mitt

Mitt Romney, My Man for President

I am not a Democrat nor do I consider myself a Republican. However I am registered as a Republican only so I can vote in the primaries. I'm so grateful that we live in a Country in which we are able to vote our conscience.

I have such Patriotic feelings for America. And I feel optimistic about the future here, even though war is looming and there has become a downturn in the economy. I am politically minded, but not very action-oriented when it comes to politics.

But I do find myself visiting this website a lot lately. And I'm not just a fan of Mitt because he shares my religion. I think he is the best man running for President. I think his motives for running are good and we all know he doesn't need the money.

Mitt's website.
Another favorite place I like to go is to the Five Brothers Blog that is linked up from Mitt's Blog. It is the Blog kept up by his 5 sons.

Even though I have other friends who will not vote the way I will in the election, I'm grateful for the opportunity that any adult who chooses is able to vote for the candidate of their choice. And I respect other's viewpoints and perspective, I may disagree but I'm glad that at least we have choices and I know we can all agree to disagree.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Hobby

One of my goals last year was to develop some hobbies. I'm not that great at honing a hobby, I think partly because I'm so practical. If something cannot be used and be a reasonable cost to make it then I typically wouldn't even attempt it. One of the reasons I don't scrapbook much anymore is because the cutest pages incurred a bigger expense than I felt necessary for one page and I just couldn't justify it. So when I did scrapbook, I tried to do it practical but it wasn't quite as cute.

Lately I've been kind of obsessed with purses, bags, handbags, wallets, etc... And so I got some patterns. But when I read the directions I found there were some techniques necessary that I hadn't tried before, like free-hand quilting and using a walking foot. So I decided to just kind of go it on my own and try my hand at some things with some cheap fabric I had on hand.

So I pulled out my cheap $1 a yard fabric--that I got a year ago to make some curtains out of and then didn't end up making--and some scraps that I had and practiced.

So far this is what I've made. This is my practice bag. I didn't use a pattern here, I simply just played around.

This is my practice wallet. This I did use a pattern for.

I think they actually turned out cute and have been lots of fun to make! I'm looking forward to doing more. Thank goodness I have 3 girls so these bags and wallets can be put to use!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Inbox Swap

You never know what you will find in your "inbox." Somedays it's funner stuff than other days. But today I found this email from Kelly.

I'm still deciding if I will participate or not but I thought I would put it out there in case any of you wanted to participate. I met the greatest friend, on my last Swap through Kelly.

Wouldn't it be nice to go to a warm, sandy beach right now in the middle of winter? Oh, I know I'd LOVE it! I keep thinking I need to go and visit my Sister, Kathy, since she lives where it is warm!! :) And because she came to visit me last time!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Helping me get my Groove back

I have to admit that today was not a good day for me. I don't know if it's hormones or too many days of winter or post Christmas blues or what? But the last week actually has been tough. Just being honest here. I would love to be chipper and upbeat ALL the time, but every once in awhile I feel a little down.

Today at Church Laren told me how he chatted it up with M, a friend. As it happened M's wife sat next to me in Relief Society. In Sunday School Laren asked me if it was okay to invite them over for dessert tonight. I said, "Yes" and then later kicked myself. Not because M & M are not great people and not because we wouldn't want them over but because I just wanted to hang onto my pity party.

Thankfully we stuck to our guns and I eked it out, emotionally, this afternoon. M & M came over with their kids and we all had a great time!! I wish that we would have had the above pictured dessert tonight but instead we had cookies and ice cream. I had a small portion so as to be polite by eating some, otherwise I may not have indulged at all. I'm trying to drop the almost 3 pounds I gained over Christmas.

Friday, January 11, 2008

My Baby and Me

Tyler and I on Sunday after Church...

I love his blue eyes.

He is so much fun!

Even if he does have a major fettish for my hair!

Home Decor

Lately I've been working on some projects. One of the things is decorating my house. It is a love/hate thing for me. I love the way it looks when I'm done (usually) but I hate spending the money it takes to get it that way.

I love the look of tall grasses. These are some grasses and "vases" we looked at in Michael's yesterday.

The latest thing has been trying to figure out what to put on the other side or our plasma tv. Off to one side is a small media cabinet (aka- wine rack), but

I don't know what for sure to put on the other side to balance it out.

This is a picture from Christmas. Not sure if you can see the "media" cabinet too well. But I'm trying to find something else to balance the tv out.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Meals for January 2007

****I have to give most of the credit for this menu to my friend, Jannet. She made up most of this and I just switched some recipes around and substituted certain things for other things. Thanks Jannet!!

Jan 1 (t) Leftovers
Jan 2 (w) Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Salad
Jan 3 (th) Sloppy Joes, Green beans
Jan 4 (f) Homemade Pizza
Jan 5 (s) Baked Chicken Nuggets, Rice
Jan.6 (sun) Roast & Mashed Potatoes
Jan 7 (m) “Buttered Noodles”, Broccoli
Jan. 8 (t) Indian Fry Bread (recipe below)
9 (w) Sweet and Sour Meatballs, Rice, Homemade Breadsticks
Jan 10 (th) Hot Dogs, Baked Potatoes
Jan 11 (f) Homemade Pizza, Fresh Veggies
Jan 12 (s) Stroganoff, Green Beans
Jan 13 (sun) Chicken Quesadillas, Spanish Rice, salad
Jan 14 (m) Chicken Noodle Soup, Homemade Rolls
Jan 15 (t) Shredded Beef Enchiladas
Jan.16 (w) Grilled Cheese, Tomato Soup, Broccoli
Jan 17 (th) Soft Tacos
Jan.18 (f) Homemade Pizza, Fresh Veggies
Jan 19 (s) Shepherds Pie
20 (sun) Pasta e Fagioli (recipe below)
21 (m) Chicken Tortilla Soup, Mexican Rice
Jan 22 (t) Leftovers
Jan 23 (w) BBQ Beef Sandwiches
Jan. 24 (th) Meatloaf Cakes (Ann Romney's Recipe, Mitt Romney's wife
Jan 25 (f) Homemade Pizza, Fresh Veggies
Jan 26 (s) Grilled Chicken, Pasta
Jan 27 (sun) Roast, Mashed Potatoes, Salad, Rolls
Jan 28 (m) Aloha Chicken Kebabs (recipe below), Cucumbers, Pineapple
Jan 29 (t) Leftovers
Jan 30 (w) BLT's
Jan.31 (th) Steak, Baked Potatoes, Salad

Meatloaf Cakes Recipe from Ann Romney
1 ½ lbs ground beef -
¼ cup lemon juice -
1 egg -
4 slices of white bread broken into pieces or bread crumbs -
¼ cup onion, chopped -
2 tsp seasoned salt Sauce Ingredients -
½ cup ketchup -
½ cup brown sugar -
1 tsp dry mustard -
¼ tsp cloves -
¼ tsp All spice

Mix together loaf ingredients, shape into 6 individual loaves. Bake for 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Mix together sauce ingredients and spoon on top of loaves. Continue baking at 350 degrees for 30 additional minutes.

Indian Fry Bread
4 C flour
1/4 C shortening
1 t salt (scant)
1 1/2 C warm water
Cut shortening into the flour and salt. Add warm water to make a soft dough. Knead until smooth. Divide into golf ball size pieces. Roll out to about 1/4 inch thick. Fry in very hot cooking oil until golden brown on both sides. (Dough can be stored several days in refrigerator). As an alternative to frying, bake the dough – prepare the same way. (We like it better baked than fried.)

For meals, you can add any combination of the following: Refried beans, Taco, meat, Shredded lettuce, Diced tomatoes, Shredded cheese, Sliced, olives, Diced onions, Salsa.

Can be eaten for dessert with honey drizzled on them or sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Sloppy Joes
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, 1 turn of the pan
1 1/4 pounds ground beef sirloin
1/4 cup brown sugar 1 tablespoon steak seasoning blend
1 medium onion, chopped
1 small red bell pepper, chopped 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
2 cups tomato sauce
2 tablespoons tomato paste
4 crusty rolls, split, toasted, and lightly buttered

Heat a large skillet over medium high heat. Add oil and meat to the pan. Spread the meat around the pan and begin to break it up. Combine brown sugar and steak seasoning. Add sugar and spice mixture to the skillet and combine.

When the meat has browned, add onion and red peppers to the skillet. Reduce heat to medium and cook onions, peppers, red wine vinegar and Worcestershire sauce with meat for 5 minutes. Add tomato sauce and paste to pan. Stir to combine. Reduce heat to simmer and cook Sloppy Joe mixture 5 minutes longer.

Using a large spoon or ice cream scoop, pile sloppy meat onto toasted, buttered bun bottoms and cover with bun tops. Serve with your favorite sides or sliced tomatoes seasoned with salt and pepper, dill pickles and Deviled Potato Salad.

Have plenty of napkins on hand!* *this recipe is also really good with turkey instead of beef. HOWEVER, the turkey somehow takes away the tomato taste, so some hot sauce (like tobasco) - just a tad - would be good to bring out that tomato flavor. it doesn't make it too spicy!* *

Pizza Dough
2 pkg yeast
1 t salt
2 1/2 C warm water
7-8 C flour

Combine yeast, 2 1/2 C flour, salt and water in a large bowl. Beat at low speed for 30 sec. Beat 3 min on high scraping sides constantly. By hand stir in enough flour to make a moderately soft dough. Knead 10 min until smooth and elastic.

Shape into ball and let raise until double. Punch down and divide into 1/4ths. Smash out on a 12" pizza pan and bake at 500 for 6-8 min, until crust starts to brown.

Rolls / Breadsticks
3/4 c milk
2 pkgs. active dry yeast
1/2 c shortening

1/2 c warm water
1/2 c sugar
4 1/2 to 4 3/4 flour
1 tsp salt
2 eggs

Scald milk; add shortening, sugar and salt. Cook to lukewarm. Sprinkle yeast on warm water; stir to dissolve. Add 1/2 c flour to milk mixture; beat well by hand or with electric mixer at low speed 1 min. Beat in eggs and yeast.Gradually stir in enough remaining flour, a little at a time, to make a soft dough that leaves the sides of the bowl.

Turn onto lightly floured board; knead until smooth, satiny and no longer sticky, 5 to 8 mins.Place in lightly greased bowl; invert to grease top. Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled, 1 to 1/2 hours. Punch down and turn onto board.

Divide in half and shape as desired.Cover with a towel so they don't dry out and let rise until doubled, about an hour. Sprinkle lightly with either garlic salt or garlic butter. Bake for 15 min at about 350 °. Makes about 30 breadsticks / rolls.

Chicken Nuggets

1 cup breadcrumbs
½ cup flaxseed meal
1 T. grated parmesan
½ t. paprika
½ t. garlic powder
½ t. onion powder
1 cup broccoli or sweet potato puree
1 large egg, slightly beaten
1 pound chicken breasts or tenders
½ t. salt
1 T. olive oil

Combine breadcrumbs, flaxseed meal, Parmesan, paprika, garlic, and onion powder in a small bowl – mix well with your fingers.Mix vegetable puree and egg with a form in a small bowl (separate from dry mix above).Sprinkle chicken chunks with salt. Dip into egg mixture and then toss in breadcrumb mixture until completely coated.

Bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes. You can also fry them in a skillet coated with olive oil. Cook until crisp and golden on one side (3-4 minutes) and then flip and cook until chicken is cooked through.

“Buttered” Noodles"
8 ounces pasta (any variety)
½ cup yellow squash puree
¼ cup skim milk
2 T. butter
2 T. grated parmesan cheese
¼ t. salt
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil (this is also good if you use chicken boullion instead of salt). Add pasta and cook until al dente. Drain.

Return pasta to warm pot and stir in puree (make sure it is creamy puree and not chunky), milk, butter, parmesan, and salt.This works well with a variety of meats, also – add chicken cubes, cooked shrimp, and scallops.

Chicken Quesadillas
4 cups cubed or shredded chicken
½ cup salsa
1 can Cheddar Cheese Soup
Flour Tortillas
Pour can of soup into saucepan and heat until smooth. Add chicken and salsa – stirring until mixed. Place 1/3 to 1/2 cup of this mixture onto a flour tortilla, folding in half. Cook in the oven for 5-10 minutes at 350º or until tortilla is crispy.

Spanish Rice
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cup uncooked reg long grain rice
1 medium onion (1/2 cup), chopped
2 1/2 cups water
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
3/4 teaspoon chili powder
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
1 sm. Gr. bell pepper (1/2 cup), chop.
1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce

Heat oil in 10-inch skillet over medium heat. Cook rice and onion in oil about 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until rice is golden brown and onion is tender.Stir in remaining ingredients. Heat to boiling; reduce heat to low. Cover and simmer about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, until rice is tender.

Chicken Noodle Soup
6 chicken breasts
6 sliced carrots
1 celery stalk, sliced
5 + cups chicken broth 12 ounces egg noodles, yolk-free
Various seasonings to taste
Place frozen chicken breasts and sliced carrots into crock-pot. Cover with chicken broth - can be store bought or home made. Cook on high for 4 hours or until cooked through and chicken is tender.Take chicken breasts out of crock pot and shred with a fork.

Place shredded chicken back into the crock-pot and add sliced celery stalk. This is when I add various seasonings - garlic powder, California steak seasoning, and a pinch of sea salt. Cook until celery is fork-tender. Turn to lowAbout 20-30 minutes before you want to eat, add the egg noodles and cook until desired tenderness - still on low in the crock-pot.

Pasta e Fagioli
1 pound ground beef
1 small onion, diced (1 cup)
1 large carrot, julienned (1 cup)
3 stalks celery, chopped (1 cup)
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 14.5-ounce cans diced tomatoes
1 15-ounce can red kidney beans (w/ liquid)
1 15-ounce can great northern beans (with liquid)
1 15-ounce can tomato sauce
1 12-ounce can V-8 juice
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt1 teaspoon oregano1 teaspoon basil
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1/2 pound (1/2 pkg.) ditali pasta

Brown the ground beef in a large saucepan or pot over medium heat. Drain off most of the fat.Add onion, carrot, celery and garlic and sauté for 10 minutes.Add remaining ingredients, except pasta, and simmer for 1 hour.About 50 minutes into simmer time, cook the pasta in 1 1/2 to 2 quarts of boiling water over high heat. Cook for 10 minutes or just until pasta is al dente, or slightly tough. Drain.Add the pasta to the large pot of soup. Simmer for 5-10 minutes and serve.

Chicken Tortilla Soup
In crockpot, combine:
1 package chicken breasts
2 cups water
2 cans cream of chicken soup
1 can diced tomatoes with Rotel chilies
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp salt1 sm can tomato sauce
Cook it all day. When chicken is cooked very thoroughly, take it out and shred it, then put it back in.When serving, I serve it with chopped red onions, shredded cheddar cheese, diced avocadoes and crumbled tortilla chips. You could also put a dollop of sour cream on top or pretty much whatever you want to do.

Aloha Chicken Kebabs
1 cup breadcrumbs
¼ cup flaxseed meal
½ cup sweet potato puree
¼ cup pineapple puree
1 T. soy sauce1 large egg white, lightly beaten
¼ cup shredded coconut1 pound chicken, cut into ‘fingers’
¼ t. salt
2 T. flour
1 T. olive oil
Short wooden skewers
Mix breadcrumbs with flaxseed meal. Set aside.In second bowl (shallow), combine purees, soy sauce, egg white, and coconut. Mix with a fork. Thread chicken fingers lengthwise onto skewers (one finger per skewer). Sprinkle both sides of chicken with salt and then flour. Dip into egg-white mixture and then roll in breadcrumbs until completely coated. Coat skillet with Pam. Add oil when pan is hot. Add chicken in a single layer and brown for 3-4 minutes on one side until coating is crisp and golden brown. (coconut burns easily, so make sure pan is not too hot) Turn and cook other side of fingers until cooked through. These can also be grilled outside on a grill – making them a bit healthier.

**Some of these recipes are from the Deceptively Delicious Cookbook by Jessica Seinfeld.

Colorado Rocky Mountain High

Colorado Rocky Mountain High

Because I grew up in the pine trees and mountains, I will always have a special fondness for them. It's great to live in Colorado for many reasons and one is that the mountains are not that far away.

These are pictures that I took on my way to the fabric store this morning (with my cell phone)!

Mountains along the Front Range.

I love the "misty" clouds above, they compliment the mountains beautifully!

And yes, it does give me a high to see these snow-covered mountains-- A Colorado Rocky Mountain High, just like John Denver sang about!!

I probably shouldn't say this because it could bring all sorts of extra traffic to our state, but skiing in Colorado is FABULOUS right now because we just got 3-4 feet of fresh powder in the mountains this past weekend. The great thing is that the roads in Denver and West I-70 are clear but the ski resorts have tons of snow!! Just the way we like it!