Yes, he did lose in Florida last night but it is not who wins one state, but who wins the most delegates. Mitt is the best candidate running. He can still win.
Top 10 reasons why I will vote for him:
10.) Foreign Policy.
9.) His stance against Illegal Immigration.
8.) He opposes Abortion.
7.) He is for the Family.
6.) He wants to restrain Federal spending.
5.) He wants to make permanent the Bush Tax cuts.
4.) He is not a proponent of Socialized Medicine.
3.) He does not want to remain in Iraq any longer than necessary, but he doesn't want to exit too early either.
2.) The ECONOMY.
And the number one reason I will be voting for Mitt Romney for President in 2008:
1.) He has perfect hair, especially for a guy who's 60!
These are some of Mitt's stances on what is going on in the Nation and the World that we need to be knowledgeable and proactive about.
o War against Islamic Fascism: We are engaged in a multi-front war which will require using all of our military, economic, and diplomatic might to win; we must defeat the terrorists and those who aid and abet them as well as help the Muslim people enter the 21st century.
o Iraq and Afghanistan: The surge is working and we must do what it takes to help Iraq and Afghanistan become stable democratic allies in the war on Islamic Fascism and support our troops.
o Iran: Iran must not be allowed to become a nuclear state; diplomacy and economic sanctions are critical, but may not be enough; the military option must remain on the table.
o Military: Need to increase defense spending to a minimum of 4% of GDP to make sure our armed forces have the equipment they need in the field and the support the need back home; the best ally of peace is a strong America.
• Economic Policy.
o Taxes: We need to keep the Bush tax cuts permanent, eliminate the Death Tax, and cut taxes on capital gains, dividends, and interest to zero for the Middle Class
o Spending: We need to restrain Federal spending and close the deficit; will veto any budget where non-defense discretionary spending growth exceeds inflation minus 1%; Need to give the President a line-item veto; Strong track record of financial management from Massachusetts where he closed a $3B deficit and turned it into a $1B surplus without raising taxes; carry out a comprehensive review of government spending to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
o Entitlements reform: Maintain benefits for current Seniors, but institute fundamental reforms combining slowing the rate of increase for benefits based on income, extending the retirement age, individual retirement accounts, and no tax increases .
o Healthcare: Mitt Romney is the only candidate on either side of the aisle who implemented a universal health care plan; He covered all of the citizens of Massachusetts using market-based insurance without raising taxes; Governor Romney advocates a Federalist state-by-state approach to make health insurance more affordable for everyone.
o Globalization: Continue to trade around the world but make sure we negotiate level playing fields in foreign markets and upgrade American competitiveness through investments in education and innovation.
• Culture and Valueso Illegal immigration: Control the border first and turn of the “magnets” that attract illegal immigrants by implementing an employment verification system, no special path for illegal immigrants to become citizens (i.e. no amnesty), no sanctuary cities, increased enforcement by local police agencies.
o Traditional marriage: In favor of amending the constitution to keep marriage defined as between a man and a woman; fought the Massachusetts Supreme Court to prevent the state from becoming a destination for same-sex couples looking for marriage licenses.
o Life: Much has been made of Governor Romney’s switch from being Pro-Abortion to Pro-Life; I believe that Mitt Romney will fight for the rights of the unborn and be a great leader in supporting Life .
In addition to agreeing with a candidate on the issues, I think there also needs to be some inspirational aspects to this person. I see many inspirational aspects in Mitt. First and foremost he is a hard worker, he is well-rounded having been successful in the private sector as well as government and running the Olympics.
I love that Mitt is such a family man. You do not see too many men of his calibur that are still so committed their wife and kids and grandkids as he is. Another nicety about Mitt is he has the "look" going for him. With his perfect hair and all ;)
I love that Mitt consulted his entire family when considering whether he should make a run for the White House. This is a great video clip of them that Christmas in 2006, gathered to discuss the decision. And then not only did they all help him decide, each of his 5 sons and their families are helping him to campaign. I think that is very wonderful too!
Now come on, I know you want to just get out and VOTE FOR MITT when your State goes to the polls. My state will be doing it on Super Tuesday, February 5th. Come and join the effort!

I'll be voting, I hope you will too!
I'll just stick a big fat "ditto" here. Rock on, Mitt!
I worry that with Giuliani dropping out (and endorsing McCain), all his votes will go to McCain, while Huckster is still siphoning votes from Romney. I wish he'd do the decent thing and drop out, too, but then I've never thought he was all that decent. Oops, sorry, bitterness coming out, lol.
I've been listening to Rush this morning, and I get the feeling that if you vote for McCain, you might as well vote for a democrat because it is all but the same thing. And, Huckabee doesn't stand a chance, I don't think. It's just CRAZY!!! What an election this will be. A black man, a woman, and a mormon were all running for president.... *giggle*
Kris, AND a hispanic if you count New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. The minorities are in the Majority this time around!
Thanks for your dating tips! And I am always happy to speak publicly; as long as it is something I have a clue about. :-)
I love Mitt, too. I even dreamt about him two nights ago. SERIOUSLY. Yep, he told me that he is putting himself out there every single day and why can I not even mention him on my blog? It was as if Jesus himself appeared. :-)
Hey Kari!
I'm going to add you to my page, save me having to go through Janet's!
You'll have to keep an eye out for The wedding pic's! Jared is giving me an allowance to re decorate the place! So I am a little happier now about living in an ugly Place!
Cas xo
I too am a huge Mitt fan! It is going to be interesting to see what happens in the next little while. I agree, he does have great hair! :)
Great summary Kari. I will be doing an absentee ballot!
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