One of my goals last year was to develop some hobbies. I'm not that great at honing a hobby, I think partly because I'm so practical. If something cannot be used and be a reasonable cost to make it then I typically wouldn't even attempt it. One of the reasons I don't scrapbook much anymore is because the cutest pages incurred a bigger expense than I felt necessary for one page and I just couldn't justify it. So when I did scrapbook, I tried to do it practical but it wasn't quite as cute.
Lately I've been kind of obsessed with purses, bags, handbags, wallets, etc... And so I got some patterns. But when I read the directions I found there were some techniques necessary that I hadn't tried before, like free-hand quilting and using a walking foot. So I decided to just kind of go it on my own and try my hand at some things with some cheap fabric I had on hand.
So I pulled out my cheap $1 a yard fabric--that I got a year ago to make some curtains out of and then didn't end up making--and some scraps that I had and practiced.
I think they actually turned out cute and have been lots of fun to make! I'm looking forward to doing more. Thank goodness I have 3 girls so these bags and wallets can be put to use!!
Love the shape of the bag and the fabrics you used. I bet your girls are super excited. Take care!
That's so cute, Kari!!! This is on my schedule this week, too!
oh how cute + fun! i am jealous, i am very much not a seastress but hope to be one day.
good job & good luck with future projects! :D
Cute purse. My walking foot is my FAVORITE thing about my sewing machine. I crazy quilt all of my baby blankets. It's really fast and easy.
How cute Kari! I am not a seamstress...hopefully some day soom! Your girls will love these!
How fun Kari! Good job they look great!
Cute, cute! Very cute! I am the same way about hobbies, although I have finally mastered knitting, but of course I'm never happy with the $1 yarn. The really good stuff is so much more fun to shop for!
I can't believe the first purse was you freehanding, no pattern. Very impressive!
{{bowing before you}} I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy!!
Very cute!
Wow Kari! Those are great!
Did you find the patterns online or at a store? Are they easy to do? I would love to do this but I literally failed sewing class...LOL
Lisa, I didn't use a pattern on the bag but I found a pattern I like on the
That is where I got the wallet pattern too. Maybe you could look for a "Simplicity" bag pattern or something like that with an "easier" pattern. I bet you would be able to do this!
How did I get the sort of friends who just say one day, "I think I want to make a purse!" and then it?! I don't understand that kind of talent. Very impressive!
Cute projects...your girls will be in heaven! :)
BTW, I noticed PB has a tree in their new catalog...if you are still looking for one...
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