Happy, Happy Birthday Tyler Dear
Happy Days will come to you all year!
If I had one wish then it would be
A Happy, Happy Birthday to you from we!
Today is Tyler's 3rd birthday and I remember so vividly the night I had him it seems like it was last week.
Here are some interesting facts about Tyler.
1. Everytime we or he reads a book, he says, "Amen!" when we are finished
instead of saying, "The end."
2. His favorite color is RED.
4. He plays soccer around the house, often. Thankfully he uses a small soft
sided ball to do that.
5. Tyler is good at catching the ball and throwing it.
6. Tyler hardly ever cries.
7. When he falls down or gets hurt, he rarely complains. He might say "Ow,
8. Tyler loves to wrestle. Almost every night after family prayer he goes over to
Kyle (7) and tackles him.
9. Tyler has a major hair fettish.

10. Tyler knows all but about 4 of his letters and what they sound like. He
knows all of his colors.
11. Tyler constantly asks me, "Why?" or "What's that?" even when he knows what it is. Like yesterday when we were driving Laren to work, he asked me
"What's that?" and I said,
"I don't know Tyler, what is it?"
And he said, "Truck!" Tyler loves to point out trucks, monster trucks and 'baby' cars (small cars).

12. Tyler's favorite thing to eat is Chicken Nuggets, the dinosaur one from
Costco. And he LOVES them with catsup. He will eat almost anything if it
has catsup on it.
13. Tyler enjoys Nursery.
14. Tyler is a Happy Boy!
15. Whenever anyone gets an owie, Tyler is the first to go and kiss it better.
16. Tyler loves to sleep with someone else at bedtime. His favorite one to sleep
with is Rilyn, his 5 year old sister. Although he shares a bedroom with Kyle
and so they share a bed a lot too. Every once in awhile he sleeps with Alyssa
or Kayla. And when Laren goes out of town I let him sleep with me.
The car Tyler drew last week when we helping out in Rilyn's class.
17. Tyler draws really good cars for a boy his age.
18. Tyler is obsessed with having Laren or I draw him all the things that he
loves: cars, airplanes, trucks, buses, boats, helicopters, etc...
19. Tyler loved going sledding over Christmas Break. And every time he tells me
about it, he says, "Not go home okay Mom?" He means that he wants to stay longer and not go home after just an hour like we did last time.
20. Tyler likes to help Laren and I with any project that we are doing. The latest thing was him really wanting to help me sew Kayla's scripture bag on Monday. He's always so sincere, I want to let him help but sometimes I just can't.
We LOVE you, Tyler!!!!! Happy 3rd Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Tyler!
My 3-yr-old likes us to draw for her all the time. In her case, it's all about the Disney characters, mainly Mickey and Minnie. When I draw them they are only identifiable by their large ears, and Minnie's bow. It's kinda pathetic. I think it's cute Tyler likes you to draw things too.
What a sweetie! I have a 3 1/2 year old and I think it is one the funnest ages.
I hope Tyler has a great Bday!
Awww... he's such a cute little boy! Not a baby anymore. Happy Birthday Tyler!!!
whoa...he's 3 already? How'd that happen? When'd that happen?
Happy birthday, Tyler, and congrats to Laren and Kari!
What a sweet post! I love this age too. Niki is a lot like Tyler (except with the hair fetish). They are just so fun. I am impressed with his drawing and knowing his alphabet already. Did he get potty trained fully now?
what a cutie pie! happy birthday to your little man, he is adorable!
What a sweet boy! He is so cute in all of his pictures. He sounds like such a fun little guy!
I didn't realize Tyler and Weston are so close in age. Happy Birthday. What a cutie!!
I love those pics. he is such a cutie. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TYLER!
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