$1.90 - the amount per gallon I paid to gas up my minivan yesterday. LOVING that price! That's the lowest it's been in YEARS! Anything under $2.00 per gallon is GOOD!!
$26.40 - was my total amount. (If you're into math you can calculate how many gallons I got!!)
55 - the speed limit on the major street that connects to my neighborhood about 3/4 of a mile from my house. But on my neighborhood streets, the speed limit is 25.
3 - the number of canker sores in my mouth right now. I get canker sores fairly often and am allergic to citrus but I love oranges too much to quit eating them.
2 - the number of Dr.'s Appts. I have this week.
8 - the number of loads of laundry for me today.
108.2 - what the scale said this morning when I stepped on.
53 - our high temperature in Denver today! Yay!! It's about time! But it didn't feel that warm because most of the warm energy went to melting some of the couple feet of snow that we've had on the ground.
4 - the number of diapers I usually change in a day.
34 - my age.
14 - my favorite number and the number of hits I have had so far on my blog since I started counting about an hour and a half ago.
5 - the number of kids I have.
1280 - the number of miles I will travel when I fly to my Grandma's funeral this weekend.
How tall are you Kari? 108, wow, am I envious! Good for you, I know it wasn't easy getting there. Good numbers all around.
I'm 5'3", give or take.
I love your by the numbers. Very cleaver. I too am loving the low gas prices. I think I paid about $28.00 for my tank the other day.
Woo hoo for the weight! We are the same height but I have about 5lbs on you! Good for you for being so disciplined and keeping it off.
Sorry about your canker sores, my husband suffers from them. They are TERRIBLE.
I'm adding a comment so you can add 1--number of comments on my comments.
How do you get such cheap gas? If I ate a big burrito I might be able to get gas that cheap here.
Kari... you are going to blow away being that skinny! You rock!!!!
That was fun to read, btw!
Skinny Minny!! I weighed 108 three years ago before I got pregnant with my third daughter. That was the smallest I had ever been and I loved it. I weigh a little more than that now, but it feels like I weigh alot more. Why is that? I am beginning to think I'll never be that small again, Ilove to eat junk too much!!
You gotta lov ethe cheap gas! Canker sores and laundry are the pits.
Great post. I may be stiling this idea soon.
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