I went and helped in my kids classroom this morning, came home got the kids lunch. Checked my email and did some other computer stuff.
Spent FOREVER on the phone on hold ordering Federal, Colorado and California tax forms. I put all my jewelry in my new jewelry box while I sat on hold!
Ran to the Post Office to mail something where I stood in a long line with both of my 2 impatient youngest children. And then I went to the Library to pick up 2 of the 3 tax forms I ordered over the phone. Argh! I Wasted time on hold and if I had known sooner I wouldn't have bothered calling to order the forms in the first place! Just one of the side effects of moving, we're still in the process of giving out our new address and phone number! Picked up my kids from school.
Talked to my Mom on the phone. Arranged a "late-over" for my 2 oldest daughters for tomorrow. Took a couple more phone calls.
Met some new neighbors who came over to introduce themselves. They live around the corner and have a daughter, who's also 10 - like my Kayla.
Heated up leftovers for dinner. Ate.
I've spent the last bit here at the computer bidding on this
And I won it for $11.00
Now, I need to go and get my kids into their bedtime routine and heat up dinner for my hubby who is due home in about 20 minutes!!
So when it arrives, I expect to see a photo of YOU in it. Good price girlfriend.
A Late-over! You are brilliant! I have a strict NO sleepover rule. We concede to late-overs occasionally but I didn't know they had such a cool name! Totally excited for my new vocabulary word.
Sorry about the stinkin tax forms. Post office with children and taxes, that post was almost obscene!
score on the awesome outfit!!
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