I know I have heard it said that our thoughts and what we tell ourselves is THE MOST important voice that we listen to. We only internalize and believe what other people say/think about us if our own thoughts internalize it into us and we start to believe it. If we don't let it internalize, our mind will deflect it.
I try to do this. It is very hard but it helps me to control my attitude better. I have tons of self-talk all day telling me various things, but more than anything lately I'm telling myself just to "let it go, and choose not to be offended."
I tell myself this in regards to various circumstances like when my 10 year old daughter (who seems to be hitting puberty way earlier than I did) gets mouthy with the flip of a switch or when someone in my family of origin says something potentially hurtful, etc...
You would not believe how well you really can just let things go when you work on have positive self-talk.
The other thing I'm working on is what I call "compartmentalizing." When I have something stressful happen, like us not getting our deposit money back from the house we recently rented, I try to only allow myself to think about it and dwell on it when I can have productive thoughts about it.
But when I'm in middle of helping some of my kids with homework while wrestling my 2 year old out of papers in the study that is not a time when I can see the circumstance with any productivity. If I allow my thoughts to come out full force I will get depressed and stressed out about it. I will find myself getting short with my kids, etc...
So, I found it interesting that this was what Oprah was about today. Too bad I missed it. But I believe this theory. Here is a quick summary from "Rhonda," Oprahs 'expert' on this topic for the day.
They talked about a "secret" that will help you in any life circumstance. The Secret was described as the law of attraction, which is the principle that "like attracts like." Rhonda calls it "the most powerful law in the universe," and says it is working all the time. "What we do is we attract into our lives the things we want, and that is based on what we're thinking and feeling," Rhonda says.
The principle explains that we create our own circumstances by the choices we make in life. And the choices we make are fueled by our thoughts—which means our thoughts are the most powerful things we have here on earth.
The attraction of getting what you want through thinking is very interesting, I have heard of this type of thing before from an LDS author named Carol Tuttle. I may be wrong on her name spelling, if you are interested you could ask Cristin, she introduced her book to me.
I am not sure I know what I want from one moment to the next. I wonder how that is attracting things to my life?? I do need to work on my positive self talk. For instance "No Elisa, you do not need a Dr. Pepper this afternoon, you are not that tired".
I believe this too. I had been struggling with a lot of things lately and realized I can only change certain things, some things are out of my hands, so for those I just need to let it go, let Heavenly Father take over. On the things I can change I am, it's a slow progress but it will happen.
I put this to the test the other day when out trucks side mirror was hit when we were in a store. My dh was furious and I just calmly said it's ok, he said how can you be so calm? I said, what can we do, what is done is done and whoever did it left and there's not much you can do at this point but go get it fixed now. It's ok.
He's still shaking his head about that one, but seriously, it wasn't worth being angry over, it was out of our control.
Not to offend anyone but-Just a warning about Carol Tuttle, she may not be a member in good standing right now, be careful what you read. Just from experience. mho
So true Kari! Thanks for that post. I can't tell you what a difference it makes if you give yourself "pep" talks,etc. I often take my stress (which is not even related to my kids) out on them. I can't expect my kids to speak nicely if I am not practicing what I preach. Is it even fair?
I needed a little pep talk this morning. Thanks for sharing :)
I really needed to hear this one!!! My mind is out of control some days, as you know, and I have a hard time just letting things be. The mind is a powerful thing!
VERY interesting thoughts Kari! I needed to be reminded of them. Where do you find the pictures you use?
Go to Google to do a search and then click on Images up above the box that you type in what you are looking for.
Then in the box type in what you want to find. It took me forever to figure this out! Good luck, and if you have any other questions ask away!!
That is exactly why I keep thinking..."I will get a baby grand piano, I will get a baby grand piano, I will get a baby grand piano." So how long is it suppose to take before it actually works?? ;o)
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