When asked why he didn't advertise in more markets to get more money or to charge for the ads, he responded that he didn't need the money so why take it. He lives in a humble home in Conneticut or somewhere back east. He has employs only a small staff. He is humble in almost every way.
So far on Craigslist we have found the rental house that we rented for 6 weeks. Yes, it's the same one we are going to take to small claims court for not refunding any of our deposit but even if we never see a dime of that money we still got a decent deal!
In the past week we have given away moving boxes 2 times. Both times they came reasonably quick to pick them up. It was great to recycle them and also to get them out of our garage to free up some space. Plus it was nice to help someone else out!
Then, tonight, we got this really great black/stainless steel GE cooktop for $45. It retails for over a thousand dollars. Yah, we got us a deal!!

PS - this picture was taken when we were testing out all the burners to see if it worked (it did!). In the picture the burners look purple when they are on, but in reality they are red. So despite the funky look, it really is normal looking!
Have you ever found something on craigslist or sold something on there? If so, what?
That's a cool top! So great you found one! I have not bought or sold from them, yet.
How kewl!!! They are just getting craigslist going in my area, not very much on there yet, but I have sold some baby bracelets on there. I love the free listings!
As you know I am a big proponent of Craigslist. We have bought several things from off of there.
When we get ready to sell our house and go to PA school, we will use it a lot more!
Craigslist is on my list of Very Good Things. Right up there with chocolate and birth control.
I have never heard of Craigs list until blogging. Sounds cool though. And way to go on the steal of the stove!!
From one bargain hunter to another--what a great deal! You go girl!
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