It was a busy weekend. I had 2 doctors appts. on Friday. One for me and Tyler's 2 year well child checkup as well. Then I got to the airport. After Laren dropped me off I had a hard time composing myself. It was hard for me to leave my kids!
I have only left my kids once before (when my Dad was sick 8 years ago) and I only had 2 kids at that time and I took Alyssa, my baby, with me. So I was only leaving Kayla behind. It was hard then too. But it was hard for me to leave my family and board the plane. Plus everytime I board a plane I face my mortality and that is not easy.
I got in late. My brother Mike picked me up at the airport. My sisters, Kallie and Kathy, were already in bed when I got there. It was midnight. I hurried and changed into my pj's and then my sisters and I stayed up talking until 1 or 1:30 am. It was fun to visit and reconnect. I hadn't seen Kathy in over 14 years.
Morning came too soon. I didn't sleep well. We got up ate a nice breakfast at our hotel and headed to Caldwell for the funeral. My Grandma's casket was already in the Relief Society Room. It was a beautiful casket.
My first look at Grandma was not a good one. It didn't look like her, at all. I quickly realized I could not help do her hair or makeup. So Mike encouraged me to go with him to get some flowers. We went to Albertson's and bought 3 dozen roses and a vase. We got back to the church and I arranged the flowers into vases while Kathy did some picture boards and Kallie helped my Mom with the finishing touches on Grandma.
The ward there in Caldwell that helped were so great. They helped in any and everyway we needed it. Grandma looked better after she had some fixing up, but it still was not her.
I introduced myself to many who I had not seen since I was a little girl. Some of them I recognized right away, like my cousin Theresa or Great Uncle George but most of them I didn't recognize. It was a very nice service, though we had some last minute changes to the program.
Grandma's Funeral was beautiful! I think she would have loved it, I think she did love it. The speakers all recounted my Grandma's sweet nature. She was kind and giving to everyone. Who could say anything unkind about her, no one, because there was nothing to say. She lived a wonderful life. She was charitable and compassionate. She touched everyone who knew her for the better.

During the service there were about 10 minutes left open for family members to share their memories of Grandma. There were some great things shared.
We went to the cemetary and it was an overcast foggy day. It had been raining, but the rain held up for her funeral.

We gathered around and Mike dedicated her grave. We greeted my Grandma's children and offered our final condolences and went back to the Church for the luncheon.

The Relief Society did a great job at the luncheon. Kallie and I especially liked the Texas Sheet Cake. But there was also ham, funeral potatoes, green beans, jello salad, green salad and other chocolate cakes.

Me, my sister Kallie, my Mom, my brother Mike and my sister Kathy at the luncheon.
We visited some more and got in touch with some 2 cousins Syd and Sherry who are Uncle George's children. They all live in Pocatello, Idaho.
My Grandma's sister Ruth reminded me SO much of my Grandma. I had to get some pictures of her because it comforted me to realize the similarities.

My Great Aunt Ruth.
After the luncheon we went to my Aunt Maxine's house in Nampa for visiting with my Mom's direct family of origin.

Aunt Maxine.
We visited, had more yummy food and went through some of my Grandma's belongings. Some of them played poker and drank. They asked me at least 4 times if I wanted to play, but nope -- that's not my thing, thank you!
Aunt Maxine was a great hostess, despite the fact that she has breast cancer.
It was fun to reconnect with so many family members, especially my sister, Kathy.

Kathy and Me.
I slept better Saturday night and Kallie, Kathy and I had a nice yummy breakfast that included strawberry belgium waffles and cinnamon french toast. Then we packed our bags and returned the rental car, checked in at the airport and met up with my Mom and Bob (my Mom's husband). Later Kathy left and Kallie and I had lunch with Mom and Bob and we boarded our flight for Denver.
I'm glad I went, but I'm SO glad to be back home. I missed my kids terribly and my husband. Though my husband travels periodically for work so I am used to being separated from him every so often.
I'm so glad you had a nice visit with your family. I'm sorry we didn't have sunnier weather while you were here! You have a beautiful family! You are still going to be a knock out even when you are a great, great grandma!
I am so glad it went well and you were able to visit so many relatives and catch up with your sister's and brother. Glad your home safe, it's nice to get away sometimes, it makes us appreciate our family more. :)
We missed you too!
Kari - I'm glad you're there & back safely! Did they take the black garbage back off for the viewing? Can you believe, I'm turning into a blog-a-holic.
I'm just catching up -- I didn't realize your grandmother had passed away...
So sorry to hear about your loss. She sounds like a dear, sweet woman. I loved reading your tribute to her.
It is wonderful that you could attend her funeral, and celebrate her life, with loved ones...
I'm sure you are happy to be home. (I'm sure your family is thrilled that you are home!)
I know what you mean about getting on a plane. Last July was my first time doing it. Definitely bitter sweet.
I am glad to hear the funeral went well. I can only imagine how difficult it must of been to see her again. At least you know she is in a better place.
Wow! I can't believe it has been that long since you have seen your sister. Good to hear you did some reconnecting with family. Funny how things such as this bring us all back together. Welcome home.
Thanks for all the pictures and complete details. Looks like a lovely tribute to your grandma and so nice to connect with other family members. I know what you mean about missing the kids...hard, but also good to know that they (and you) can survive and grow from it.
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