5 kids.
4 of them sick.
1 toddler
2 boxes of spilled cereal on family room floor.
4 kids home all day, laying around and making messes.
1 bottle of spilled shampoo all over upstairs carpet.
1 bottle of 4 year olds lotion spilled on the couch.
1 cup of vomit that Tyler dunked in Kyle's vomit bowl!! Ewwww!!
1 cup of spilled milk in the kitchen.
1 Dad working late.
1 house that gets messed up faster than one person can clean it.
1 frazzled Mom.
Ah, Kari I am so sorry to hear about all the kiddos being sick. I am sure you are majorly having cabin fever. Hang in there. I hope that Laren comes home very soon to help :) Big hugs from me.
1 very large hug for 1 very stressed mom from 1 very empathetic friend!
Hugaroos Kari! I hope they get feeling better. No fun all the messes. Sounds like you need a nice vacation.
Well, that's no fun, Kari! I hope they all get feeling better soon! {{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Sorry tohear about a day like that! Hang in there!
Thanks into sharing. Like often, on the well-to-do and strategic on objective!
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