bAlmY wEAthEr
If that title catches you as a little crazy, I can relate because it caught me in a funny way too! I mean here we are in DECEMBER here in DENVER and we were 72 degrees today!! It feels more like Phoenix this time of year, if you add a few degrees to our high.
This morning when I was doing my elliptical exercise, it was already 61*. I mean I would have been roasting hot if Cassie and I had been out doing our morning walk. Apparently, our warmth was caused by chinook winds blowing in. I love the chinook winds!

Tyler and Rilyn eating at our impromtu picnic at the park in our balmy December weather!
It was so nice that when I went to pick Rilyn up from Kindergarten we went through the drive thru at Wendy's and went to the park that sits at the edge of our neighborhood. I drive past it at least 6 times a day (today it was 8) and everytime I do, Rilyn and Tyler want to stop and play. It is one of the few area parks we had not yet experienced, until now.

Rilyn and Tyler climbing the dinosaurs, notice the short sleeves?
It was great standing out there with the sun on my back and riding as the caboose in the train down the slide with my two youngest!

Rilyn and Tyler riding the "train" down the slide!
We even played the piano and sany a little Row, Row, Row Your Boat and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. You know those little piano's they put at some of the playgrounds now?

Like Spring in December!
I wish I could say our weather was going to stay this way, but sadly it's not. It will gradually get colder. It's a good thing I asked Santa for a new winter coat because I hate being too cold! I used to never notice the cold this much. I think it was living in Arizona for 5 years, and now I think I'm forever changed. I mean, I like the 4 seasons but when it gets colder than 40 it's too cold!
With the help of my cell phone I was able to email me some pictures for this post!
That is crazy for Colorado! We are enjoying the beautiful 70 degree weather down here in TX. It's nice to have some wintry days mixed in, but I sure do love going to the park in December! Glad you had such a fun picnic and playtime at the park.
I had to laugh at your comments. I lived in Wisconsin for the past 7 years and Houston's 60s the past few days are feeling downright cold.
That is pretty nuts. Your weather sounds like ours. This morning it was 38 and now is nearly 80 degrees.
I hope you get your computer fixed soon. Thank goodness for a back up!
Crazy! It does sound like Phoenix weather! The weather has been so strange this past week. We had tons of rain over the weekend. We sure did need it. Now we are mid to high senventys. Your time at the park looks like it was fun! It is always so nice to spend time outdoors.
Can't believe you all didn't get the stuff we got here (ice, freezing temps). So strange!
Hope all is well and you all are enjoying the holiday season. We really hope to make it out to Denver sometime soon. I will get ahold of you if/when we do.
Take care!
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