The Power of your Patriarchal Blessing
by: Gayla Wise
by: Gayla Wise

I loved this book! I highly recommend it. I first came acrossed it in Deseret Book last month. It was out with the "newly released" books. I noticed there were only a few left on the shelf. So I picked it up and browsed through it. It seemed good but I did not buy it.
Weeks later I could not forget thinking about that book. I borrowed it and after reading it, it has strengthened my testimony of patriarchal blessings in ways that are too sacred to share.
But, if you want a great yet spiritual read, a book that will help you to see your true value and worth (along with your patriarchal blessing), I recommend this book.
For me, in my own blessing it gives a couple of cautions/warnings that always bothered me. I felt that it was the Lord telling me I was not good in those areas (read failure). In rereading my blessing after having read the book I have realized that one of those is not a "warning" but blessing me with a gift instead.
And it talks about how when a blessing gives a warning it's like a Mother telling her child to "Watch Out" for a particular danger to keep them safe. I guess I give my children warnings all the time of dangers, so it makes sense the Lord would give me a warning or two also.
One statement made at the beginning of the book, I so agree with. Darla Isackson (in the Foreward) said, "I've heard that the veil is not to keep us from remembering God--somehow we always feel His reality. Instead, it is to keep us from remembering who we are, because if we knew, life would be no test."
She goes on to say how almost every attack from Satan on her personally has come from an attack on her identity of some sort, by her having self-doubt with temptations to not believe in herself or her potential. I feel the same exact way. I think this is the biggest way Satan attacks women and mothers, especially.
The book addresses a lot on the topic of lineages, shares passages of patriarchal blessings and how people have grown or learned from that. It shares how various people have had their patriarchal blessings fulfilled, etc...
It is a short book and is an easy read. I love informational and inspirational books like this!
1 comment:
That does sound like a great book. Wish I could get a hold of it. Next time a friend goes to the states I will ask if they can get it for me!
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