Tonight for Family Home Evening we re-enacted the Nativity. Laren read the account of Christ's Birth from Luke chapter 2 and the kids acted out the parts.

Laren reading from Luke 2 and trying to get the kids in position.

Alyssa was the star and the Angel. Kayla was a Wiseman. Kyle was Joseph. Rilyn was Mary. And Tyler was first a Shepherd and then a Wiseman. More than anything Tyler was a "wildman," not wanting to keep his head wrap on and not wanting to stay in position. He was doing what a typical 2 year old would do and that is run around!

All the cast of Characters. It was so fun to re-enact. We sang "When Joseph Went to Bethlehem" for the opening and "Away in a Manger" for the closing.
I love it! We usually do the Christmas story on Christmas Eve, but we've never had the kids actually act it out. That would be fun.
I think it is wonderful that you had your own live nativity! Your kids look so cute all dressed up.
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